Trade barriers

Trade barriers can take many forms. They can relate to

You have encountered a problem in a third market for your trade? You think that this might be a trade barrier?

1. Please check our registered trade barriers in third countries. If the issue is already registered, we are already working to solve it. However, you are always welcome to provide information on existing issues with the contact form.

If your issue is not already registered in our database:

2. You can launch a complaint directly with the Single Entry Point through the complaint form. You are welcome to contact us directly on [email protected] if you have any questions or need support when launching the complaint.

3. We will assess your complaint together with our experts. Once completed, we will inform you of the outcome of the assessment. If we conclude that your issue constitutes a trade barrier, we will register it on the Access2Markets' page for trade barriers and work to solve it.

The EU has two main instruments to tackle trade barriers:

  • diplomatic actions
  • dispute settlement

To better address and solve all barriers, the Commission works together with Member States and business associations, including in third countries around the globe, in a structure we call the Market Access Partnership.

Member States, Chambers of commerce and industry as well as your national or European Association are there to help you as well. Find some references listed in useful links.

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